Find out more/Lexicon

Below you can find explanations and definitions of used terms regarding our products.


Silicon products

pitch = lattice constant = interpore distance (pore center to pore center)

pore type: sack-like pores (open on one side only with the pore bottom closed) or membrane type (open on both sides)

Lift-off process: process to produce thin membranes; the pores are widended at the bottom to such an extent that the pore wall to the neighboring pore dissolves and hence there is no connection to the bulk material as well; this results in a peak structure on the bottom surface in contrast to a smooth top surface of the membrane


Alumina products

lattice constant = interpore distance (pore center to pore center)

pore type: sack-like pores (open on one side only with the pore bottom closed) or membrane type (open on both sides)

sack-like pores on aluminium: the dead-end pores can be stabilized mechanically when having an aluminium layer (a few 100 µm) underneath the structure